Pine haven Park Plant list:
Bald cypress
Black cherry
Black gum, Native, Planted Arbor Day 2018
Blackgum, Tupelo tower
Crape Myrtle
Eastern Red Cedar
Eastern Redbud
Flowering Dogwood
Fringe Tree
Hearts of Gold Redbud
Jane Magnolia
Kousa Dogwood
Laurel Oak
Loblolly Pine
Nuttall Oak, Planted Arbor Day 2018
Post Oak
Princeton elm, Planted Arbor Day 2015, 2016
Red mulberry
Saucer Magnolia, Planted Arbor Day 2018
Scarlet Oak, Planted Arbor Day 2018
Short-leaf pine
Shumard Oak, Planted Arbor Day 2018
Sweet Gum
White Oak
Wild Pear
Willow Oak
Shrubs / Other
Admiral Semmes Azalea
American Beautyberry
Autumn Amethyst Azalea
Autumn Cheer Azalea
Autumn Embers Azalea
Autumn Fire Azalea
Autumn Lilac Azalea
Autumn Rouge Azalea
Blueberry, southern highbush
Christmas fern
Climbing hydrangea
Coral bells Azalea
Fancy fern
Fashion Azalea
Formosa Azalea
Girard's Pleasant White Azalea
Hinos Crimson Azalea
Limelight hydrangea
Oakleaf hydrangea
Red Ruffles Azalea
Silvery glade fern
Sweet Azalea
In 2018, Clinton Canopy partnered with the City of Clinton to make improvements to the park. Numerous pine trees were removed, opening up the canopy. With help from the Agricultural students from Clinton High School, 7 canopy trees, 20 understory trees, and 148 shrubs (including some edibles) were planted in October. Ferns were added to spruce up a gully. City personnel added new benches and an outdoor classroom and new play equipment including a slide and climbing wall built into the hillside and a tunnel for kids to climb over and through. Spring was much brighter in the park as the azaleas, redbuds, and dogwoods came into bloom.
Funding for this project was provided by a grant from TD Green Streets and the Arbor Day Foundation.